- NEPA / CEQA Review & Processing
- 404/401/1602 Review & Processing
The “bread and butter” of JWA is effective project management and processing of entitlement applications with local governments. JWA project management services include preparing budgets and processing timelines, assembling expert teams of consultants to design and engineer projects and to perform environmental studies in various disciplines, and interfacing with planning staffs.
JWA has experience processing projects large and small. The company has successfully entitled thousands of residential units, solar and wind facilities, millions of square feet of office and scientific research space, industrial parks, and commercial developments.
- Consultant Coordination & Management
- Interface with Planning Staff
- Development Budgets and Timelines
JWA is often retained to analyze properties proposed for development, spotting issues and providing a “road map” for development of property. In this role, JWA will review a property’s land use designation and zoning, biology, topography, and other constraints to development and assess the feasibility of a proposed project; on a heavily constrained property, JWA will offer alternative, viable land uses and identify creative solutions to address constraints.
- Identify Opportunities & Constraints
- Roadmap the Permitting Process
- Evaluate Alternative Development Plans
Besides local government entitlement, land development projects routinely require permits from regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Coastal Commission, and the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board.
The presence of waters or wetlands at a project site will typically require securing a Clean Water Act 404 permit from the Army Corps, a 401 Water Quality Certification from the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and sometimes a 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. JWA actively engages with these agencies early in a project’s design and development phase, and clients benefit from early identification of constraints, issues, and mitigation requirements.
Federally and state-listed endangered species present at a development site can also pose a challenge. JWA was instrumental in preparing the regional San Diego Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) and Natural Community Conservation Plan (NCCP) that provide a blueprint assuring development while avoiding areas of sensitive habitat and species. JWA routinely works with the agencies to avoid and mitigate project impacts to endangered species. This work includes negotiating Safe Harbor agreements, Incidental Take Permits, Habitat Conservation Plans, and coordinating less impactful project footprints.
- Strategic Planning
- Policy Advocacy
- Community Outreach
A core strength of JWA is governmental affairs. Mr. Whalen is a registered lobbyist and maintains close contacts with local elected officials and staffs. Jim has successfully advocated for the approval of projects throughout the San Diego region, including the City and County of San Diego as well as nearby jurisdictions.
Additionally, Jim is a frequent participant in local government stakeholder working groups, providing advocacy for land use policies beneficial to the interests of his broad base of clients. JWA is also active with the San Diego Building Industry Association, serving as long-time chair of the City-County Legislative Committee, the business representative with the California Habitat Conservation Planning Coalition, and assists with policy formation and advocacy at the state and national level.
- Property Analysis Records (PAR)
- Endowment Negotiations
- Habitat Management Plans
In partnership with the Urban Corps of San Diego, and other management entities, JWA provides establishment and administrative support for long-term habitat management. Development projects with impacts to wetlands, habitat, or species are required to mitigate their impacts by preserving a portion of the development site or acquiring off-site land for conservation.
JWA is experienced with preparing PARs (long-term management budgets), negotiating habitat management plans with the agencies and local governments, negotiating management agreements and the terms of conservation easements, and assisting Urban Corps with management issues as they arise.
- Mitigation Credit Sales
- Inform Public on Mitigation
- Crestridge Approved for Both Inside and Outside MSCP
Crestridge Conservation BankWestern San Diego County
**About Crestridge Conservation Bank:**Crestridge Conservation Bank is approved for use within Western San Diego County, except the immediate coast. Located in Crest/Dehesa area, Crestridge is a wildlife agency and County-approved Mitigation Bank inside the Multiple Species Conservation Program. Crestridge contains various habitat types such as Coast Live Oak Woodland, Southern Coast Live Oak Riparian, Coastal Sage Scrub, Southern Mixed Chaparral, Scrub Oak Chaparral, and Nonnative Grassland. All fees are included in prices. Call for your price quote today.
Crestridge Mitigation Bank offers:
- Over 1,600 credits of various habitat types and species available.
- Currently approved Mitigation Bank for both inside and outside approved MSCP areas.
**For current pricing and credits available contact Roselei Redrick at 2851 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92108. Phone 619-683-5544
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